Something fun to create. A poem about the journey of a seed (idea).I love Gardens whether physical or metaphysical. <3 Alicia
A seed in a hand,
Who thought it was so grand
To see how far the garden had grown,
Whisking away, observing with may
For a place to call home.
Should I grow here,
Should I grow there,
Will the sun up above reach me over there?
In search for my place,
I turn and embrace
The dirt that lay just below.
The transformation begins, water and sun shower in,
In this place where I lay filled with love,
Nourishment and space keep me from going astray.
Now I grow.
Through Winter's chill, I lie still,
On the ground, I bide my time,
Snow blankets me, a protective thrill,
Roots dig deep in rhythm and rhyme.
Spring's here, I awaken,
Sunlight warms and rains descend,
My shoots emerge, no longer shaken,
In this nurturing soil, my growth ascends.
Leaves unfurl to greet the sky,
Photosynthesis begins anew,
With every drop and beam, I amplify,
Solid and steady, I break through.
Summer brings the longest days,
I stretch and reach toward the light,
Full of life in every way,
With blooms and greens, I'm an amazing sight.
The heat is tripping and testing my might,
Yet I stand tall, my roots spread open wide,
Drawing strength from the sun during the day and the moon at night,
In nature's cycle, I take pride.
Fall approaches, colors start turning,
And I prepare for colder days ahead,
Energy stored, a lesson learned,
In the soil, my roots are fed.
Leaves may fall, but seeds I spread,
Ensuring life in seasons new,
With each phase, I've grown and led,
From seed to plant, my journey's true.